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Understanding Dredging


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Piloting methodology for the management of maritime dredging operations

€ 20,-


Presented during:

WODCON XVII: "Dredging in a Sensitive Environment" - 2004, Hamburg, Germany


Pascal Gregoire

Abstract: Dredging work poses the problems of the relocation of the dredged material and what to do with the material that must be relocated, while taking into account the economic factors and the aspects of environmental protection.

The environmental evaluation process, reinforced by the study of the impact on the environment within a framework of information and participation of the actors involved, permits orientation towards an iterative and negotiated approach corresponding to a social logic.

Multi-criteria analysis, modelling to assist decision-taking through aggregating the technical, economic, environmental, regulatory, health and social parameters, as well as weighing up the criteria established by the various participants, encourages the process of evaluation of solutions or alternative variants within the political context of durable development.

Current research aims to produce an operational tool for piloting dredging operations that will be compatible with the best techniques and to tackle the problem of what to do with the products. This tool will be made available to the numerous participants.

Keywords: Dredging, sediment-immersion, impact, ecosystems, contaminants, toxicity, bioconcentration, environmental evaluation, decision taking, consensus evaluation criteria.



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