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Understanding Dredging


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Efficient Dredging: The Next Generation

€ 20,-


Presented during:

WODCON XVII: "Dredging in a Sensitive Environment" - 2004, Hamburg, Germany


J. Braadbaart and M.W. Mourik

Abstract: In the next couple of years the focus will be on maintenance services&lifetime conversions. Projects for new building of hoppers and cutters will slow down to a trickle compared with the massive activity in the past years. The dredge equipment is generally speaking in good mechanical working order, only replacement and modification of the hard- and software platform becomes a problem due to the unavailability of spares, development tools and know-how. Down time will never be recovered by either higher efficiency or a lower product price. Especially the revamp and roll-out of control and measurement replacing outdated hard- and software platforms is becoming a fast growing activity.

In this article three possible methods to deal with these issues are discussed. The most obvious is to generate concepts to improve replacement of first and second generation type of control. Another is to integrate different related functions in one new platform to reach for a higher form of efficiency. The last one is to develop and implement service&maintenance support products.

Being ahead will translate itself into having an advanced program for structuring your maintenance approach and developing a strategic vision for the implementation of lifetime conversions and version upgrades. Apart from the fact that both these issues have a focus&impact on the monitoring and control systems themselves, these same systems can assist in supporting such a program.

Keywords: maintenance, lifetime conversions, control automation



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